The article substantiates the importance of the business reputation of a trading enterprise in ensuring its competitiveness in the macro- and micro-environment. It was determined that business reputation is a certain formal perception of the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of a specific enterprise in the operating environment, which stimulates customers to prefer the products or services of this particular retailer. It has been proven that business reputation is classified as intangible assets of an enterprise due to the following characteristics inherent in it: lack of material form; the ability to bring economic benefit; long term validity. It is substantiated that the formation of the business reputation of a trading enterprise is influenced by factors of the macro- and microenvironment. It has been proven that the macro environment is the external environment of the functioning of the enterprise, which does not depend on a specific business entity, although it has an influence on its activity. The factors of the macro environment include: monetary and credit policy of the state; tax policy of the state; inflation rate in the country; state policy regarding the financing of state programs to support the development of enterprises. It was found that at the microeconomic level, relations with suppliers and consumers influence the formation of a trading company's business reputation: compliance with financial obligations to counterparties, loyalty program, service level, warranty service. It has been proven that in order to ensure a positive business reputation, a trading company should focus on internal factors of functioning, namely: financial condition; organizational culture; quality of goods and services; management qualities; innovations; personnel management; environmental responsibility; social investments. It is substantiated that the basis of a company's business reputation is its image. Corporate philosophy, the history-legend of the enterprise, the appearance of the organization, and the development of relations with the public are among the components of the enterprise's image. It was determined that the image is based on corporate culture, which can be defined as a system of values shared by all members of the organization.
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