The research focuses on the impact of Russia’s full-scale invasion on the changes in the behavior of Ukrainian enterprises regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR). Since the start of the war, businesses of various sizes and sectors have voluntarily engaged in efforts to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces, aid the affected population, and stabilize the national economy without any state-mandated obligations. The study highlights the different forms of assistance provided by businesses, including humanitarian aid, information support, product supply, medical assistance, and evacuation services. Large national companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, and international corporations working in Ukraine have all played key roles in mitigating the economic and social consequences of the conflict. The research reveals that the war has significantly intensified the movement for corporate social responsibility, with businesses actively contributing to both the defense and economic stability of the country. It has also been determined that each type of business focuses on specific areas of assistance depending on their resources, operational activities, and prior experience in CSR projects. The study emphasizes the importance of further development of regulatory frameworks to encourage businesses to continue socially responsible practices in the post-war period. Such measures will be crucial for rebuilding Ukraine’s regions, revitalizing the economy, and addressing the vast humanitarian needs. The post-war recovery will demand substantial resources, and the role of the business sector, through effective CSR initiatives, will be indispensable in fostering long-term sustainable growth and securing the future competitiveness of Ukraine in the global market. This research highlights the necessity of developing a national strategy for CSR that aligns with global best practices and is adapted to the unique challenges faced by Ukraine. Given the scale of destruction and the significant loss of workforce, particularly highly qualified personnel, the country’s recovery will largely depend on innovative approaches, including the implementation of smart city technologies and advanced digital solutions. These efforts will not only aid in economic regeneration but also attract displaced Ukrainians back to their homeland. Consequently, at both national and regional levels, it is essential to create programs that motivate businesses of all sizes to actively engage in the reconstruction and development of Ukraine, ensuring a coordinated and sustainable path forward.
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