The relevance of the study is due to transformational processes of a global and national nature, the spread of digital technologies, the introduction of automation of processes and work, and, consequently, the outflow of demand for human resources in those specialties whose work can be algorithmized, changes in the very trends in the use of human resources. The article summarizes and highlights the latest trends in the use of labor in the digital age. The progress of Ukraine in the process of digitalization of the economy, changes in trends and forms of employment that become characteristic under digitalization conditions are studied. The features of hybrid forms of career, parallel employment through the use of online platforms, the development of flexible work modes, the priority of employee well-being, the diversity of jobs, continuous learning, the implementation of HR analytics, artificial intelligence, the automation of routine tasks using automated human resource management systems and automated employee training platforms are highlighted. New directions in the management and use of human resources are analyzed, in particular, an ecological approach, an orientation towards achieving life-work balance, thanks to flexible work organization systems. It is substantiated that the inclusiveness of workplaces is becoming a global trend. The feasibility of using talent management systems and ensuring their need for continuous learning based on new forms and approaches is studied. The feasibility of an analytical approach (using HR analytics and Big Data tools) in human resource management in the digital economy is argued. It is determined that, despite a number of advantages, the latest trends in the use of human resources also create threats, such as weak social security of employees, instability of income, difficulty in forming organizational culture and involvement, the importance of finding new forms of career management and employee loyalty, which in turn requires a fundamental revision of the principles of working with human resources of organizations.
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