• Halyna Zaiachkovska Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
  • Bohdan Semak Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: inbound tourism, strategic marketing, macro level, meso level, micro level, marketing strategies, coordination of marketing strategies


The article proposes a methodology for developing a strategic marketing program for the development of inbound tourism in Ukraine, which facilitates the coordination of strategies of public authorities at the macro and mesolevels and enterprises of the tourism industry. The most appropriate sections in its general structure are substantiated, namely: defining goals; establishing the basis for program development; assessing marketing environment factors; diagnosing tourist and recreational resources and assessing opportunities for the development of tourism types; developing a marketing strategy and measures for its implementation; organizing institutional support for coordinating the actions of public administration bodies; determining the sources of budget formation and its size; monitoring program performance indicators. The long-term economic, marketing, social and environmental goals of the macro, meso and microlevels are defined, the implementation of which requires the development of marketing strategies for each of them and coordination of their implementation. The regulatory and legal acts that are the basis for the development of a strategic marketing program for the development of inbound tourism are determined. It is substantiated that the development of a strategic marketing program and its implementation require market research and assessment of business environment factors that affect the achievement of the mission and goals of market participants. The factors affecting the attractiveness of the country, its destinations and indicators for their evaluation are defined. A set of measures for the implementation of product, pricing, sales and communication marketing strategies within the framework of the State tourism policy is proposed. It is proved that cooperation between public authorities at all levels and tourism enterprises is the basis for overcoming bottlenecks in institutional and organizational issues. It is established that the task of public administration bodies at the macro level is to coordinate the actions of public administration bodies at the meso level and at the enterprise level, provide them with the necessary marketing information, take measures to support the national tourism image, and promote public-private partnerships. Recommendations on the allocation of financial resources by public authorities at the macro and mesolevels are provided. The components of the system for monitoring the performance of the strategic marketing program for the development of inbound tourism in Ukraine are proposed.


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How to Cite
Zaiachkovska, H., & Semak, B. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF A STRATEGIC MARKETING PROGRAM FOR THE GROWTH OF INBOUND TOURISM IN UKRAINE. Transformational Economy, (2 (02), 28-33.