The key to the successful functioning of enterprises, strengthening their competitiveness on the market is a motivated staff. Staff motivation involves the creation of special working conditions and incentives within the enterprise, which encourage the employee to perform their duties well and achieve set goals. The motivation system as a tool to improve the quality of work should interest the managers of enterprises and stimulate employees to constant development and growth of the professional qualification level. The enterprise, taking into account its own financial resources, forms its own employee motivation system. Internal and external factors of employee motivation are used by enterprise managers to successfully manage the motivation system. Their goal is to encourage and motivate staff to achieve set goals and high work results. The introduction of new and non-standard approaches to personnel motivation allows not only to attract new highly qualified specialists, but also to significantly increase the loyalty of the permanent staff. The priority task of managing the labor motivation of employees of enterprises is the development and implementation of such a system in which the strategic goals of the enterprise are closely intertwined and meet maximally the needs and interests of each employee. A professionally prepared motivational package should take into account such factors as age, gender, level of education, personal values and regional characteristics, which will ensure: increase in employees’ loyalty; formation of a coherent and effective team; prevention of psychological and emotional burnout; increase in labor productivity; creation of a comfortable and favorable atmosphere; formation of an attractive image and positive reputation of the enterprise. The most effective is the personnel motivation system that combines material and non-material motivation, as well as fines and punishments. To develop the personnel motivation system, it is necessary to develop long-term programs regarding: formation of modern culture and image of the company; social programs for employees and their families; creation of effective incentives for highly efficient work; development and creation of special labor motivation management systems.
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