Keywords: competitive environment, competitiveness of enterprises, competitive advantages, competitive status, strategic business segment, factors of competitiveness


Тhe purpose of this study is to develop theoretical, methodological provisions and practical recommendations for assessing the competitive status of a trading enterprise and identifying the influence of factors on its level of competitiveness. Research methodology. The solution of the tasks set in the article was carried out with the help of the following general scientific and special research methods: system-structural and terminological analysis, grouping, systematization and theoretical generalization, dialectical approach. Research results. It is substantiated that the competitive status is the position of the enterprise on the market determined at a certain point in time, which characterizes its competitiveness and competitive position in relation to real competitors. It has been proven that in order to determine the competitive status, it is necessary to diagnose the prevalence of the market segments in which the company serves. An algorithm for such an assessment has been determined, which involves the implementation of the following stages: assessment and determination of the degree of influence of certain trends and random events; ecctpolation of trends in demand changes and full instability revealed during the previous stage; reconciliation of the perspectives of the post and pentastability and the probable level of instability. It is substantiated that the selection of a criterion by which a conclusion can be drawn regarding its competitive status in the selected strategic segment of business plays a significant role in the development of a strategy for increasing the competitiveness of a trading enterprise. It has been proven that this criterion should reflect the result of the interaction of the following three factors: the level of strategic investment of the company in the strategic segment of the economy; competitive strategies of the enterprise; the possibilities of the enterprise regarding effective planning and implementation of planned tasks. Practical significance of the obtained results. The article examines that the following are the main factors that determine the competitiveness of a trading company on the consumer market: the efficiency of the operation of the economic system; the quality of satisfaction of consumer requests; resistance potential. The main scientific provisions of the article can be used in the practice of domestic trade enterprises.


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