The article presents a theoretical and methodological generalization of the results of a case study on the promotion strategy of a Ukrainian restaurant establishment operating in the "local food" niche. The mission of restaurants of regional cuisine, local food as basic objects of gastronomic tourism is characterized, the exclusive role of brand chefs in managing the promotion of a restaurant establishment is substantiated. Arguably proven (based on the results of the analysis: food expenses in the overall structure of tourist travel expenses; specific weight of gastro tours; restaurant ratings and awards, in particular "The World's 50 Best Restaurants") that local (local, regional) cuisine is a global trend in the development of the restaurant business the first quarter of the XXI century. The author's definitions of definitions are presented: "gastronomic tourism" (consumer-sensual and elite senses), gastronomic brand, "local food". The scientific and methodological principles of promotion of the restaurant industry in the context of the implementation of the management strategy are outlined. A case study on managing the promotion of a Ukrainian restaurant establishment ("Spigel's Restaurant", Khmelnytskyi) operating in the "local food" niche is presented. The content of the basic components of the management strategy of the restaurant industry is characterized. Innovative components of promotion concepts are presented: 1) work with restaurant products: culinary innovations, gastronomic brands and specialties; 2) scientific and educational, academic; 3) social partnership, professional reflections. The effectiveness of the promotion concept, built on the synergistic interaction of components, has been proven: search, research, introduction of regional gastronomic specialties into the restaurant menu, creation of new gastronomic specialties, promotion of regional gastronomic brand dishes, inclusion of tourist products of "Spiegel Restaurants" in programs of regional gastro tours, promotion the work of brand chefs and their involvement in the management of the restaurant's promotion strategy, cooperation with craft industries, state authorities and institutions of higher and professional pre-higher education.
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