An adaptive competition strategy is crucial for ensuring success in a dynamic business environment, especially for manufacturing and commercial enterprises where their competitive positions are of utmost importance. Given that these enterprises specialize in the production of goods and services for subsequent sale in the market to generate profit, any changes in technologies, market conditions, and consumer preferences can impact their ability to compete with other market participants in terms of efficiency, quality, innovation, and other factors. In line with the outlined specificity, it is evident that the application of an adaptive strategy enables manufacturing and commercial businesses to gain the ability to react instantly to changes, exhibit flexibility in decision-making, and demonstrate the capability for continuous improvement of their competitive position. The aim of the research is to provide a systematic description of the concept of adaptive competition strategy in a manufacturing and commercial enterprise. The author's contribution to addressing the researched scientific problem lies in defining the overall content of the structural scheme of the adaptive competition strategy concept for a manufacturing and commercial enterprise. Within the research, it has been demonstrated that the concept of adaptive competition strategy for a manufacturing and commercial enterprise involves its foundation (or mechanism for adapting to changes) and its conceptual framework (or key principles enabling adaptation to the dynamics of the market environment) combined within a long-term action plan designed to achieve the highest specific positions. The scientific novelty and practical significance of the obtained results lie in delineating the elements that, in unity, shape a position where a business entity maximally distinguishes itself from its competitors and possesses numerous advantages, allowing it to emerge as a winner in the competitive struggle in the market. At the same time, the prospects for further research in this direction involve a more detailed examination of specific practices employed by manufacturing and commercial enterprises that successfully implement unique adaptive competition strategies.
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