The article is devoted to the study of the role of housing construction as an integral part of the development of the modern economy, as well as the process of implementing its financial policy, as an important tool for strengthening the state's financial system and ensuring macro-financial stability. It has been proven that the innovative development of the field of housing construction is a determining factor of its progressive development, necessary to satisfy the needs and interests of all its participants. Based on the generalization of scientific approaches, the semantic profile of the category "financial policy" was investigated, which made it possible to propose an author's approach to the interpretation of the definition "financial policy of the field of housing construction" as a set of financial relations of subjects of housing construction aimed at satisfying collective financial interests and dynamic (timely) development of the housing stock. Classification approaches to determining the type of financial policy in the field of housing construction are proposed and its leading role in ensuring the stability of the state's financial system, supporting the positive trend of macro-financial trends is substantiated. The system of principles of financial policy in the field of housing construction is substantiated, among which the following are highlighted: synergistic interaction; financial self-sufficiency; consistency of interests; progressive development; innovative financial stimulation; financial stability and protection; financial transparency and social responsibility. Based on the above list of principles, an author's approach to building an algorithm of financial policy in the field of housing construction is proposed. The key advantages of the implementation of the financial policy of sustainable development in the field of housing construction, aimed at stimulating the innovative development of the housing stock and critical infrastructure, providing an expanded list of housing and communal services, have been determined. The need to deepen the methodological approaches to the development of the financial mechanism in the field of housing construction as an important component of the financial system of the state is emphasized.
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