The purpose of this research is the development of theoretical, methodological provisions and practical recommendations for the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise in the international market and the justification of the factors influencing the level of its competitiveness in the conditions of martial law. Research methodology. The tasks set in the article were solved using the following general scientific and special research methods: system-structural and terminological analysis, grouping, systematization and theoretical generalization, dialectical approach. Research results. It has been proven that exogenous and endogenous factors affecting enterprises in wartime conditions force them to search for competitive advantages and adapt to market requirements. It was found that the economic efficiency of the enterprise during the war was negatively affected by the following factors: the breakdown of trade ties; loss of human capital; destruction of physical capital; technological regression; political instability and general uncertainty. It is substantiated that the sources of formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise in the market are: qualified workforce; favorable production conditions; diversification of products and services in accordance with market requirements; reduction of the production cost and its high quality; optimal assortment portfolio; loyal price policy; social responsibility. The main aspects in the formation of the competitive advantage of the enterprise are defined: concentration on competitors; customer orientation; emphasis on the market perspective. The volumes and structure of Ukraine's export-import operations during the full-scale invasion of the russian federation are analyzed. It is substantiated that in order to ensure competitive advantages on the international market, the enterprise must ensure compliance of product quality, packaging, design, and advertising with international standards, and the production process with the modern level of innovative development. Practical significance of the obtained results. The article examines that the main factors of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise on the international market are the following: value for consumers due to the maximum satisfaction of their needs; application of innovative technologies; consideration of new customer requests; improvement of own production; bringing a new product to the market; efficient use of all types of resources. The main scientific provisions of the article can be used in the practice of domestic enterprises.
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