Keywords: insurance, insurance risks, insurance management, insurers, policyholders, armed invasion, insurance premiums, insurance payments


The article is devoted to the definition of the main security aspects of the management of insurance companies of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to formulate the main factors that affect the safety of insurance companies in modern conditions and search for ways to minimize them. The object of the research is the processes of organization and management of the work of insurance companies. The subject of the study is the ways of optimizing the work of insurers in conditions of external and internal negative influences. The research used general scientific and special research methods: the method of critical analysis, scientific abstraction and generalization of the scientific experience of modern theoretical research, a system-complex approach. The article notes the special role of financial security in the activities of insurers, which is caused by the insured's expectation of full or partial compensation for losses in the event of an insured event. It was emphasized that insurance companies need to develop and further improve their own financial and economic policy and development concept, create internal financial mechanisms that will contribute to increasing the financial stability and efficiency of their activities. The main problems in the management of insurance companies that affect their safety are identified. They are in the areas of sales, personnel, and resource management. During the research, it was determined thatconditions of total absorption of uncompetitive insurers and concentration of most of the resources in a limited number of insurance companies, the problem of corporate vertical and horizontal interaction arises. The main causes of corporate conflicts are given. Measures to prevent and eliminate such conflicts are proposed. The article states that inresource management includes the processes of planning, creation, attraction, distribution, redistribution, accounting and control of resources of the insurance company. It was emphasized that security aspects such as the effective use of existing resources and the search for new ways of attracting or saving resources deserve special attention today. The paper claims that the availability of specific financial reserves with a defined target purpose is the main feature that determines the industry specificity of insurance companies. The advantages of using virtual offices in the work of insurance companies were studied, and it was determined that the use of economic-mathematical tools and simulation modeling methods contributes to reducing the riskiness of marketing operations. It was emphasized that insurance companies should constantly conduct benchmarking, research, analyze and respond accordingly to changes in the likely client base.


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How to Cite
Snishchenko, R. (2024). SECURITY ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT OF INSURANCE COMPANIES OF UKRAINE. Transformational Economy, (1 (06), 63-67.