Keywords: gastrotour, gastroguide, gastronomic tourism, gastronomic brand, restaurant of regional cuisine, restaurant of local food, brand-chef


The article is devoted to the description of the innovative regional experience of integrating restaurants working in the "local food" and "regional cuisine" niches into programs of regional gastronomic tours using the examples of the Vinnytsia and Khmelnytskyi regions. Arguments for the inclusion of restaurants as independent objects of gastronomic tours are presented based on the analysis of world and Ukrainian experience, in particular, the experience of running a restaurant business in the rear regions in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The dynamics of changes in priority types of "gastronomic tourists" (taking into account gender differences) for 2018-2023 are traced. The unique experience of collaboration of gastroguides, restaurateurs, representatives of the state authorities of Vinnytsia, thanks to which the product - a regional gastronomic specialty (cherry) was made basic - is characterized ingredient of the dishes that form the gastronomic brand of the tourist destination, to implement separate "cherry" sections of restaurant menus or thematic dishes based on cherries. A regional example of the creation of dishes - new gastronomic specialties based on a traditional local product - is presented. Ukrainian projects for the development, implementation and promotion of gastronomic tours are succinctly characterized (the EU project "Roads of Wine and Taste" (2019); the catalog – the first national gastronomic guide – "Roads of gourmets. 100 craft places of Ukraine" (2021); catalog of the gastronomic heritage of the cultural route "Camino Podolico" (with the support of the Council of Europe and the EU). The results of the SWOT analysis of the prospects for the development of gastronomic tourism in Podillia and Volyn (within Khmelnytskyi region) are presented. On the basis of the fragment "Gastroguide to Podillia and Volhynia: Khmelnytskyi" the possibilities of integrating the offers of gastronomic brands of restaurants of local cuisine into the programs of regional tourist routes are demonstrated. It has been proven that the effective promotion of restaurants working in the niches of "local food" and "regional cuisine" focuses on achieving three basic goals: cultural-historical, patriotic, worldview; research-productive; formation of business critical and analytical thinking of restaurateurs, increasing the competitiveness of local food restaurants.


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Zaiachkovska H., Tserklevych V. & Vovk S. (2021) The influence of the global perfumery market on the principles of the formation of a tourist flow. Estudios de Economia Aplicada, no. 39 (5). Available at: https://ojs.ual.eshttps://doi.org/10.25115/eea.v39i5.5232

Zhang T., Chen J., & Hu B. (2019) Authenticity, quality, and loyalty: Local food and sustainable tourism experience. Sustainability, no. 11(12).

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How to Cite
Tserklevych, V., & Stavska, J. (2024). POSSIBILITIES OF INTEGRATION OF "LOCAL FOOD" RESTAURANTS IN THE PROGRAM OF REGIONAL GASTRO TOURS: THE CASE OF VINYNAT AND KHMELNYT REGIONS. Transformational Economy, (1 (06), 68-75. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8141/2024-6-13