• Iryna Liganenko The Pre-Danube branch of the Private Joint Stock Company “Higher education institution “The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”
  • Paul Bodenchuk The Pre-Danube branch of the Private Joint Stock Company “Higher education institution “The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”
  • Vasilisa Moskalyuk The Pre-Danube branch of the Private Joint Stock Company “Higher education institution “The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”
Keywords: piece intelligence, machine learning, technology, marketing, digital marketing strategies


Technologies of artificial intelligence are penetrating all areas of human life. The sphere of marketing activity was not the culprit. Chum-bots, created by piece-meal intelligence, improve the cost of knowledge and become one of the most powerful tools for digital marketing professionals. The use of machine learning in marketing makes it possible to understand and transfer human behavior. The ability of individual intelligence to accurately conduct dynamic analysis on key sectors, such as stable behavior, the level of their income, price differentiation and market dynamics, the quality of the product for the client, Lead to the development of individual intelligence in the development of marketing strategies to gain and improve skills. The study focused on the role of artificial intelligence in digital marketing. Integrating new data analytics-based techniques with digital marketing strategies gives companies a strategic advantage when interacting with potential and actual partners. Analysis of the great obligations of data, which automatically begin to transform into different business models, will ensure support for the adoption of strategic marketing decisions by enterprises. The study also examines applications for the successful use of artificial intelligence in digital marketing, such as content personalization, advertising campaign management, forecasting and competitive analysis. The advantages of these technologies for enterprises with established and lost clients, increased efficiency of marketing approaches and greater competitiveness in the market have been revealed. The study also examines the potential implications and challenges associated with the introduction of artificial intelligence into marketing strategy, such as data privacy, corruption ethics for advertising purposes, and the need for qualified specialists for the development and implementation of Shi-technologies. The research includes an analysis of current trends in the industry, as well as recommendations for the optimal use of piece intelligence to achieve marketing goals and improve the competitiveness of companies in the digital environment. In addition, artificial intelligence helps to automate the processes of content management, personalization of offers and analysis of audience response to marketing campaigns. This allows companies to direct resources more efficiently and increase conversion. However, it is necessary to take into account ethical and privacy issues when using artificial intelligence in marketing, ensuring the protection of personal data of consumers and taking into account the possible risks of using such technologies. Artificial intelligence also helps solve problems with social media trend recognition and analysis. Automated systems can track and analyze millions of messages, comments and reviews, helping businesses respond to consumer feedback and adjust their marketing strategies in real time. Such opportunities allow companies to build deeper relationships with their audiences and interact more effectively with them.


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How to Cite
Liganenko, I., Bodenchuk, P., & Moskalyuk, V. (2024). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN DIGITAL MARKETING. Transformational Economy, (2 (07), 33-38.