Keywords: manager's potential, efficiency, management style, leadership, development program


The purpose of this article is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of formation and development of managerial potential, and their impact on the performance of the manager, the team and the enterprise. The article substantiates the dependence of enterprise performance on the professional potential and competence of a manager. The main problems that arise in case of insufficient development of the manager's potential are identified. Particular attention is paid to the problems of leadership and management that arise in the vast majority of enterprises. The relationship between the effective activity of an organization and psychological factors is considered. It is noted that the results of the organization's activities are largely influenced by the personal qualities of the leader, methods and styles of leadership, the system of incentives for employees, and the moral and psychological climate in the team. The influence of the manager's personality on the efficiency of management is studied, using such components as biography, personality traits, and abilities. It is noted that one of the key features of creating a psychological portrait of a modern leader is the leadership style - a stable system of ways, methods, forms of practical activity of a manager. It is proved that management styles and methods are interrelated. It is emphasized that the management style is considered as an individual one, since it reflects the personality traits of the manager, how he or she interacts with the team, and what decision-making methodology he or she uses. A model of formation of the manager's style is proposed, which includes personal and psychological qualities, business qualities, professional qualities, as well as factors of the management system. The influence of the manager's style on the performance of the team and the enterprise as a whole is considered. The problem of limitations (insufficiently developed managerial skills) as a factor that restrains the potential and worsens the performance of the manager, the team and the organization as a whole is considered. The author substantiates the importance of developing a managerial development program, which should be realistic, clearly structured and adapted to a particular person, have clear goals and fully meet the tasks set.


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How to Cite
Hurman, O., & Vlasiuk, Y. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGER POTENTIAL AND THE EFFICIENCY OF HIS ACTIVITIES. Transformational Economy, (4 (04), 29-33.