Keywords: production facilities, stabilization measures, external environment, changes, crisis management


In the conditions of full-scale war, it is evident that a significant portion of the country's industrial capacity has been lost due to substantial destruction of production facilities caused by numerous missile attacks. In addition to the systemic destruction, industrial enterprises have experienced significant deterioration in the conditions of conducting economic activities and faced other issues, which led to downsizing, cessation of operations, or transitioning to a state of capacity conservation and relocation. However, a small portion of enterprises not only did not experience significant changes but even increased their business volumes due to effective measures of crisis strategic management, which included continuous support for vitality, aimed at countering negative changes in the external environment and restoring development in the industrial sector. The purpose of the article is to identify the general characteristics of strategic management in the industrial sector, including its inherent features, key aspects, and instruments. The achievement of the stated objective in the article was accomplished through the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, comparison, hierarchical and non-hierarchical classification. Within the research, the acceptance of the axiom is proposed concerning the importance of continuous support for the vital functions and preservation of capabilities for the recovery of economic entities operating in the industrial sector during full-scale war conditions. It has been demonstrated that based on the content of conditions and needs that demand orientation towards stabilizing measures from such entities, it is possible to develop local stabilization strategies for crisis management. The practical application of the proposed approach by each individual enterprise will allow establishing a management system that, through a system of influences, ensures a stabilizing nature oriented towards both the overall survival during crises and changes and the preservation of potential for future development. establishing a management system that guarantees active responsiveness to crisis challenges, their anticipation, and prevention.


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