The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about significant changes in various fields, including marketing. One of the notable AI technologies is ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI. This article explores the potential of ChatGPT as a tool for developing marketing strategy for enterprises. The article begins by providing an overview of ChatGPT and its capabilities, highlighting its ability to generate human-like text responses based on given prompts. It discusses the potential of ChatGPT in automating various marketing tasks, such as content generation, customer interactions, and data analysis, which can streamline marketing processes and enhance efficiency. The article delves into the benefits of using ChatGPT in marketing strategy development. It highlights the ability of ChatGPT to analyze vast amounts of data and generate insights for identifying customer preferences, market trends, and competitor analysis. It also emphasizes the potential of ChatGPT in personalizing customer interactions, providing tailored recommendations, and improving customer engagement, which can lead to enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty. The article discusses the limitations of ChatGPT, including its reliance on data quality, potential biases, and limitations in understanding context and nuance. It also acknowledges the ethical considerations in using AI technologies like ChatGPT in marketing, such as privacy concerns and the need for transparent and responsible use of data. In addition, the article provides recommendations for utilizing ChatGPT in marketing strategy development. These recommendations include considering the context, adjusting model parameters, regular data updates, incorporating live customer interactions, and refining the model based on feedback. The article advocates for considering ChatGPT as a powerful tool for developing marketing strategy for enterprises, capable of automating, analyzing, and improving various aspects of marketing activities. However, it also emphasizes the need for a cautious approach in using the technology, considering ethical aspects, risks, and the need for continuous monitoring and model updates to ensure optimal results. Furthermore, the article highlights the potential of ChatGPT in fostering innovation in marketing by enabling enterprises to experiment with new ideas, generate creative content, and adapt to rapidly changing market dynamics. It also emphasizes the potential cost-effectiveness of using ChatGPT in marketing strategy development, as it can reduce the need for manual labor and enable more efficient use of resources. The article also discusses the implications of using ChatGPT in marketing strategy development for enterprises of different sizes and industries. It highlights how ChatGPT can benefit small and medium-sized enterprises by providing them with affordable access to advanced marketing capabilities, which can level the playing field with larger competitors. It also discusses how ChatGPT can be applied in various industries, such as e-commerce, content creation, customer service, and data analysis, to improve marketing efforts and gain a competitive edge. Moreover, the article addresses the potential concerns and challenges associated with using ChatGPT in marketing strategy development. It discusses the potential risks of over-reliance on AI, the need for human oversight, and the importance of ensuring data privacy and security. It also highlights the challenges of integrating ChatGPT into existing marketing workflows, training and fine-tuning the model, and addressing potential biases in generated content. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the significant potential of ChatGPT as a tool for developing marketing strategy for enterprises, providing benefits such as automation, data analysis, personalization, and innovation. However, it also acknowledges the limitations, ethical considerations, and challenges associated with using AI technologies like ChatGPT in marketing. It encourages enterprises to carefully consider the context, ethical implications, and practical implementation of ChatGPT in their marketing strategy development processes, while also acknowledging the need for ongoing monitoring, refinement, and responsible use of the technology. Overall, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize marketing strategy development, and enterprises need to carefully harness its capabilities to drive marketing success in the modern business landscape.
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Renana Peres a, Martin Schreier b,⇑, David Schweidel c, Alina Sorescu. On ChatGPT and beyond: How generative artificial intelligence may affect research, teaching, and practice. URL: (дата звернення: 20.04.2023).
Rivas Pablo, Zhao Liang. Marketing with ChatGPT: Navigating the Ethical Terrain of GPT-Based Chatbot Technology. AI, 2023. Vol. 4.2. P. 375–384. DOI: (дата звернення: 20.04.2023).
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Shcho take ChatGPT, yaki yoho osoblyvosti ta yak vin pratsiuie? Available at: (accessed April 20, 2023).
ChatGPT i marketynh u 2023 rotsi: 7 keisiv, yaki dopomozhut rozvynuty vash proekt. Available at: (accessed April 20, 2023).
Dwivedi Yogesh K. et al. (2023) So what if ChatGPT wrote it? Multidisciplinary perspectives on opportunities, challenges and implications of generative conversational AI for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management, no. 71. DOI: (accessed April 20, 2023).
Renana Peres a, Martin Schreier b,⇑, David Schweidel c, Alina Sorescu. On ChatGPT and beyond: How generative artificial intelligence may affect research, teaching, and practice. Available at: (accessed April 20, 2023).
Rivas Pablo, Zhao Liang (2023) Marketing with ChatGPT: Navigating the Ethical Terrain of GPT-Based Chatbot Technology. AI, vol. 4.2, pp. 375–384. DOI: (data zvernennia: 20.04.2023).
Zarifhonarvar Ali. Economics of chatgpt: A labor market view on the occupational impact of artificial intelligence. 2023. DOI: (accessed April 20, 2023).