Keywords: hospitality industry, hotel business, restaurant business, military aggression, geopolitical instability, tourism, economic crisis, development trends, adaptation strategies


This article presents the results of a study on the state and development trends of the hospitality industry in Ukraine, considering not only economic factors but also military aggression and geopolitical instability. The hotel industry is an important component of the tourism industry. Hotel enterprises play a key role in providing services to tourists, forming and offering comprehensive hotel services, which involve other segments of the tourism industry in their creation and promotion. The hotel industry, as a main service sector, specializes in receiving, accommodating, and providing various services for temporary residence. Recently, the hotel business has proven to be one of the sectors actively adapting to new conditions. The aim of the article is to analyze the current state of the hospitality industry in Ukraine, identify key development trends in this sector, assess the impact of COVID-19 and Russian military aggression on the hospitality industry, and develop recommendations for the development of the hospitality industry in the post-war period. The author analyzes the impact of the military situation on the tourism and hospitality sector, including changes in tourist flows, business risks, and possible crisis management strategies. The research also covers the adaptation of the hotel and restaurant business to new conditions, including the implementation of innovative technologies, the search for alternative markets, and ways to attract investment. To further develop the hospitality industry in the post-war period, it is necessary to develop and implement strategies aimed at overcoming the challenges posed by military aggression and the pandemic. This includes state support, the development of domestic tourism, and international cooperation. Overall, the study emphasizes the need for adaptation and the implementation of new strategies to overcome challenges and develop the hospitality industry in Ukraine in conditions of geopolitical instability and post-war recovery. These directions, along with other measures, can contribute to the further development of the hotel business in Ukraine and improve the country's tourism image as a whole.


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How to Cite
Kovalchuk, S. (2024). RESEARCH ON THE STATE AND TRENDS OF THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY IN UKRAINE. Transformational Economy, (2 (07), 27-32.